I picked up some fabric last night at Joann's to make something small that I could quilt to get some practice on before I move on to my big queen quilt top that I've pieced. (I haven't revealed it here, but I do have pics of it that I could share).
I'm so very excited about this new project. I've found some fabric that had ladybugs on them and some coordinating fabric to use in my quilt. I didn't get a pattern so I may not have enough fabric, I really hope to get everything started soon so I know if I'm going to need more. I've decided to also try an applique technique with this one, so we'll see how that works out. :) I have pics of the fabric to share to but that will have to wait until I get home. I'm goign to try to draw my idea for the pattern as well. I'm so excited to tell you more about it and post pics as I go along.
Here's some of the ladybug fabric I picked up (you'll need to go to page 2). It's called Nursery Fabric - Ladybug.
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